Thursday 7 May 2020

Habánské Sklepy Zweigelt Rebe Rose 2018, Czech Republic

Habánské sklepy winery was founded in 1614 in Velké Bílovice, a traditional Moravian wine village at the time of the greatest expansion of viticulture in Moravia. The founders of the winery were the Habans - a group of Reformed Baptists, peaceful and progressive people.

The first records about Velké Bílovice date back to the 13th century. Later entries are always associated with viticulture. The long tradition of viticulture is also evidenced by the writing of local mountain rights (vineyard rights - vineyards) in 1550. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, at the time of the greatest development of Moravian viticulture, Velké Bílovice had more than 600 ha of vineyards. Its development was largely due to the Habans - Reformed Baptists.

They came to South Moravia thanks to the invitation of Linhart of Liechtenstein, first to the Mikulov estate and later on. They called themselves "Huter's brothers" after their superior Jakob Hutter, but in Moravia they are most often called "Habány" (a distortion of the German Haus haben - to have a house).

They were great builders. In 1545, the Haban community built a court for 300-450 members in Bílovice. To this day, many buildings have been preserved in Moravia, especially wine cellars. The largest of them, the Habán cellar, still captivates visitors with the atmosphere of old times.

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