Monday 9 February 2009

TN : Peter Nicolay Riesling 2007, Spaetlese Halbtrocken, Mosel, Germany

The estate of Peter Nicolay has its origin at the beginning of the 19th century in the old post-house and adjoining inn "Zur Post" in Uerzig, Mosel. The fame and renown of this inn spread throughout the whole of Germany due to the great passion of the buxom wife of Peter Nicolay (1820-1896) for her profession, for excellent cuisine and for her wine cellar.

Heiress of Peter Nicolay was his niece Magarethe, married to Carl Hubert Berres (1862-1942). Since the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, the family Berres-Nicolay had owned vineyards, most of which were situated on land originally owned by the two old abbeys of Himmerod and Springiersbach, the coat of arms of which are licensed to be shown on the label of the Nicolay wines.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the house of Nicolay was sending its wine all over the world and even had an affiliated company in London.

In the past it has had the honor of being purveyor to the court of the German emperor in Berlin, to the House of Lords in London (1913), to the Grand Duke of Luxemburg (1916) and to the court of the Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1909).

The heiress of Carl Hubert Berres was his granddaughter Helga, married to Dr. Peter Pauly, owner of the Dr. Pauly-Bergweiler estate. Helga's father died when she was young so that she soon became involved with the management and the tradition of her grandfather's estate of Peter Nicolay. In October 1986, she became solely responsible, and since then both estates have been administrated from Bernkastel. In 1980, modern production facilities were built which allow careful control of the fermentation and maturing process.

This wine was imported by Mondowine Sweden AB.

Colour : Yellow

Aroma : Honey, pineapple, lemon

Taste : Very honey'fied, lemon, pineapple, pear, slight minerals on finish

Alcohol : 12%

Price : 79 SEK

Mark : C

Website : Peter Nicolay
Website : Mondowine Sweden AB

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