Friday 8 February 2008

TN : Engelbrecht Els Proprietor's Blend 2005, Western Cape, South Africa

This is a blend of 59% Cabernet Sauvignon, 21% Shiraz, 6% Petit Verdot, 6% Cabernet Franc, 4% Merlot, and 4% Malbec.

Nice fruit but too much smokiness ruined this wine for me. The high alcohol was not noticable.

The winemaker was Louis Styrdom.

This wine was imported by The Wineagency AB.

Colour : Deep purple

Aroma : Smoky, oak, blackcurrant, mint

Taste : Dry tanins on finish, smoky, blackcurrant, green pepper, licquorice, coffee, mint

Alcohol : 14.5%

Price : 215 SEK

Mark : B-

Website : Ernie Els Stellenbosch
Website : The Wineagency AB


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