Friday 5 October 2007

Wines From Spain Tasting, October 1st 2007, Stockholm

I went to the Wines From Spain Tasting on Monday which was held at the Operaterrassen and cost 150 SEK entrance fee. The fee included tasting glasses, coupons for tasting which on the whole were not needed, and a catalogue outlining the importers and the range of wines available for tasting. The event was fully booked. Twenty eight importers were exhibiting wines.

My favourite wines of the evening were :

Marques de Grinon Svmma Varietals (either 2002 or 2003)
Marques de Grinon Dominio de Valdepusa Petit Verdot 2002
Marques de Grinon El Rincon 2004
Masies D'Avinyo Pla de Bages Abadal Picapoll
Juan Gil Silver Label 2004, Bodegas Juan Gil
Numanthia 2004, Bodegas Numanthia termes

The picapoll wine was a grape variety that I hadn't heard of before. This is only grown in Catalonia. It had hints of stone fruits such as peach and apricots and reminded me of a Viognier with more acidity. This wine has been listed at the famous El Bulli restaurant.

Disappointments for me were the wines from Bodegas Lan (which had an oxidised note that I didn't like) and the wines from Torres.

Website : Spanksa viner

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