Friday 16 November 2007

Wine and Vineyard in Öland

I have been speaking to a work colleague of mine, Torbjörn Cagenius, who is growing vines and making wine in Öland. He has ten vines of four different grape varieties planted. The varieties yielding the most are Schuyler (blue) and Sukribe (green). He is looking at planting Rondo since another producer, Wannborga on Öland, are apparently producing excellent wine from this grape variety (I must try to get hold of some to try). Öland is agricultural zone 1 whereas where I live, Tyresö, is agricultural zone 3. However, Torbjörn considers the micro climate and soil more important and I would agree with him for such a small plantation. In his experience, it takes three to five years before the vines produce enough grapes to make wine from. he has, so far, no problems with any diseases and no problems from the deer and rabbits which are plentiful on Öland. The only problem has been with birds eating some of the ripe grapes but this has not proven to be a big issue. Torbjörn has his vines planted against walls and on traditional trellising (poles and steel wires between). His oldest vine is 10 years old !.

All his equipment (including yeast) was obtained from :
Gratulera Presenter i Sundyberg
Sturegatan 30
17231 Sundbyberg
Tel : 08 29 08 68

This season, Torbjön has invested in a 5 litre oak barrel made of medium toasted French oak. I am eager to await the results for his experiment. The barrel was bought from Thorslundkagge.

Good luck to Torbjörn !.

Website : Wannborga Vin och Lamm
Website : Thorslundkagge
Website : Swedish Agricultural Zones

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