Tuesday 23 October 2007

TN : Delheim Pinotage Rose 2007, Simonsberg, Stellenbosch, South Africa

This wine is a blend of 95% Pinotage and 5% Muscat de Frontignan. The vineyard is composed of double row bushvine Pinotage from west-facing slopes in the Muldersvlei bowl which produced around 10 tons per hectare. The Muscat was from south-facing slopes further up on Simonsberg mountain.

The grapes were picked at 21-22 degrees Brix, pH was 3.20 and the total acidity was 9.0 grammes per litre. All the grapes were hand-harvested. The grapes were destalked and crushed followed by mash cooling. There then followed five hours of skin contact along with enzymes and then the juice was pressed off and settled overnight. Cold fermentation proceeded with the aid of selected yeasts and fermentation was stopped with centrifuge to keep residual sugar. The wine was released on April 2007. The final wine has 5.6 sugar per litre, pH of 3.26, and a total acidity of 8.0 grammes per litre.

This wine is imported by Carovin, Stockholm, Sweden.

Colour : Pale strawberry

Aroma : Red fruits, clean

Taste : Strawberries, sweet red fruit, bitter and spice on finish

Alcohol : 12.5%

Price : 99 SEK

Mark : B

Website : Delheim
Website : Carovin

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